Sunday, June 07, 2009

Three and a half exciting things!

Ok let's start with the half.

1/2) We bought a new car! Well sort of...the university gave us money with which to buy a new car, so we happily spent their money. :) It took a couple of months of searching for the right deal with the amount of money we were allotted, but we finally settled on a '97 Hyundai Galloper. It's in excellent condition with only about 40,000 miles, and our mechanic checked it out thoroughly and gave us the thumbs up, so we went with it. We are only waiting for the paperwork to be complete, and we'll have it this week! Once we get it out here, we'll post a picture - it only deserves a "half" exciting thing because we don't have it quite yet.

1) It's quetzal party time in our tree again! This time of the year is always exciting as our aguacatillo tree right outside of our building is fruiting with the aguacatillos, which the quetzals feed off of. It's a lot of fun to look outside and see 2-3 quetzals sitting in the tree, or be making lunch and see one fly past the window. It's truly a remarkable bird. I'm posting a picture of its cute head, which doesn't show off it's long tail feathers, but gives you a good close-up look.

2) Our mural is complete and installed!! Last weekend, our muralist Mario came out to QERC to finally put up the long-awaited mural in our museum. It is BEAUTIFUL. We have already had many members of the community come by to check it out, and they keep coming back with more people to take a look. We couldn't be more thrilled with the way it turned out, and we now look forward to other details in the museum to make it even more complete.

3) And for the most exciting news in our life right now...I'm pregnant!!! (Aaack!) I'm due November 26th and we are very excited for this new stage of life. We will indeed be having this baby in Costa Rica, at a top-notch hospital in San Jose with our top-notch doctor. Pictures to come as my tiny baby bump begins to grow!

And that's "all" for now...


mama goose said...

Thanks for the update. I especially appreciate the pictures. My love and prayers to all 3 of you. ~Mom

Michelle said...

Congratulations! So excited to hear that you are starting the exciting journey of parenthood! Knew that I found your blog at just the right time!

Lindsay said...

Aaaack! is right. How exciting for you guys. I'm sure you are in good hands with your really great doctor and your really great hospital. Thank you Costa Rica!

