
Over Christmas we were able to go back to the States and visit our families. Because all of her paperwork was in order, it was possible to leave the country with Adele. We began our two week trip in snowy and cold Iowa, with the Gosselinks. Adele had only met Grandma (my mom) and was excited to get reacquainted with her. She was also very excited to meet the rest of the family for the first time. At the airport we were all greeted by Grandma and Grandpa (my parents - I'm clarifying because it's still sort of weird for me to refer to them in that manner!), Aunt Katie, and Aunt Rachel. Everyone took turns holding her briefly before we headed home.

Aunt Emily and Uncle Greg and cousin Ash (4 months) joined us a couple days later and we all had such a wonderful time celebrating Christmas together. It was a strange but good new scene at the Gosselink household to see cribs, bouncers, swings, etc. in the house to accommodate the babies, and we all enjoyed the new entertainment that the babies provided.

It was fun for me to see my parents as grandparents - both were always wanting to hold one, and my dad in particular enjoyed taking naps with the sleeping babies. It was also neat to see my younger sisters adjust to being aunts and enjoy playing and interacting with both babies.

Did I mention it was COLD in Iowa?? There was lots of snow, much to our enjoyment, but the cold was quite a shock to our systems. Adele did an excellent job traveling on the planes, but the cold dry climate was something she didn't do super well with. She was very congested the first night, causing my parents to invest in a humidifier, and soon after that her skin began to get dry and develop rashes. I understood all too well - my body was reacting the same way!

In addition to my immediate family, we got together with my dad's family on Christmas Day and my mom's family the day after. It was fun to show off our daughter and see family members that we often only see once a year.
After Iowa we flew out to Spokane to visit David's family. We were greeted by Nana and Popa (David's parents), Aunt Jenna, and cousin Gracelyn (almost 6 years old). Adele hadn't met any of them before and loved being passed around and welcomed in new arms. It was again bitter cold in Spokane, though without any snow for the time.

On the way home we stopped by Aunt Jordan and Uncle Rusty's house so they could meet their new niece and ended up staying up rather late visiting with everyone. The following day Adele got to meet the rest of the family, her cousins Gabriel (4 years old) and Benjamin (1 year 4 months). All of the cousins enjoyed holding Adele, and even Benjamin worked up the courage to give her a kiss by the end of the week!

In Spokane we didn't have much to do, and it was really nice spending some of the days holed up inside, relaxing and visiting with the family. Adele had a little difficulty adjusting to yet another environment, but we were so thankful that there were many open arms to pass her around and help keep her fussiness to a minimum. David and I weren't the only ones who lost sleep that week, but everyone enjoyed the quality time they had to spend with Adele.
We had an open house Christmas gathering with the extended family, s

o many more family members were able to meet our daughter. We had

the Hille Christmas at the end of our week and it was even accompanied by a beautiful dusting of snow outside. At the end of 2 great weeks with our families, it was sad to have to say goodbye to everyone. It seems it's even more difficult living so far away now that we have a daughter who wants to get to know her other family members!