~Adele smiling!
~(finally) switching her days and nights to normal
~7 plane rides
~high-pitched squeals when hiccuping
~still being passed around by all of our Costa Rican and Nicaraguan neighbors
~dealing with dry air in the States accompanied by dry skin and a stuffy nose
~meeting the rest of her family for the first time!
~attempting to scoot forward during her tummy time
~still working on sleeping on her own (3 days in a row napping in her crib alone!)
~enjoying being pulled up in the standing position
~starting to dance to her mobile in her crib
~cutting down to (usually) only one dirty diaper a day!
~tracking the hummingbirds that visit the feeders
~sleeping "through" the night (a whole 5 hours!)
~still refusing both her pacifier and a bottle (hopefully that will be a 3-month accomplishment!)
We are really enjoying our time with her and sharing her with the students and also with the community. Here are some pictures from the last month:
Enjoying bath time!
Loving her new Christmas present - her bedding.
Bundled up for a day out with Mommy
Sporting the hat that Costa Ricans love most. :)
Being goofy with Daddy
Not sure what to think of Mommy lovin' on her...
Enjoying a day outside while Mommy and Daddy work
Good day, sun shines!
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