In the last month, Adele has continued to grow and change a lot. We all had to survive her first set of shots - David did the best out of all of us, though he had the difficult task of holding her hands down as she looked up at him with her big eyes that said "you'll protect me, won't you daddy?"
On a much happier note, Adele is an incredibly easy, happy baby. She smiles all the time, and has begun to "talk" by cooing and testing out new sounds. She will now take a break from nursing just to smile or talk to me, and it makes my heart melt every time. She's very interactive now, and likes to kick me to get my attention. And when she's on my lap, she'll stare at David until he looks at her and then she'll give him a huge grin.
This month Adele and I have started taking a daily walk down the road and back. It's a great way to enjoy the beautiful sunshine (sorry to those of you experiencing tons of snow and cold weather!) and also to greet our neighbors. I put Adele in the wrap, and as soon as I step outside she lays her head down and goes to sleep. Our friends in the valley love seeing her on a regular basis.
A few other highlights: Adele has started taking her pacifier! This may not seem to be a huge accomplishment to some, but to us it is a big relief. I realize we'll go through struggles in the future of getting rid of that pacifier, but for now we are so thankful that she's much easier to calm down in public or in the carseat by a simple paci. Also, Adele continues to improve her sleeping habits. She now takes almost all her naps by herself (besides our morning walk), and will at least start off each night in her crib. Sometimes she'll only sleep at night by herself for a half hour, but some nights like last night it's a full 5 hours before she ends up back with me.
This past week Adele and I have been in charge of hosting a group of 26 students who were here with the Organization of Tropical Studies (OTS), while David has been in Nicaragua with our students for a study trip. We survived, but are very much looking forward to seeing David this week! While here on our own, Adele and I went to a wedding in the valley and spent Valentine's Day with our Nicaraguan friend Nancy and her family.
Here are some pictures from the last month:

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