~Adele rolled over for the first time! (causing the need for closer watchful eyes...)
~Has found her LOUD voice and went through days of extremely noisy chatter
~Prefers to be with mommy but watch daddy all day and smile huge when he looks at her
~Lots more giggling and laughing
~Prefers to be outside and loves to watch the hummingbirds
~Sleeping by herself all night in her crib (a few nights only...but those were encouraging nights!)
~Loves trying out her sippy cup with water and a very small amount of juice
~No solid foods yet, but she likes to lick our fingers after a meal
~Enjoys trying to suck the juice out of cantaloupe and watermelon
~A doctor's visit - 70th% weight, 95th% height (which explains why sh's growing out of her 3-6 month clothes...)
~2 shots, followed by a day and a half of fever and clingyness to mom
~A new found love for being naked
~No teeth yet, but a high increase in drool and frantic behavior to put everything in her mouth
~A new love for dancing with the students
~Has learned how to give slobbery face kisses to mom and dad
Here are some pictures from the last month:
1 comment:
She's the cutest!
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