She waves: It started as a slow-moving turning of the hand, grew in to frantic two-handed waving, and now it's a combination of both. We're not convinced she knows what it means, but it's cute and she definitely does it to get attention or in response to people!
She's crawling: A few factors contributed to this new trick. Carpet in the USA, and cousins who already can crawl and go after toys. All of a sudden, Adele decided she needed to be able to crawl to race her cousins Ash Ford and Benjamin Roth to the toys!
She loves to walk: With assistance, Adele shows off her walking legs by taking giant dinosaur steps all over. To wear her out, we'll take turns walking her all around the building.
She still loves to bounce: Are you getting the idea that this girl likes to be active? She loves to be bounced up and down all day, and giggles and squeals when that turns into being thrown up in the air by Daddy.
She has a new fascination with rocks: Ever since we let her suck on rocks in Colorado while we were hiking around to keep her distracted, she has decided she loves rocks. She loved to try to eat the rocks on the bottom of the lake in Spokane, and now crawls straight to the big rocks that hold our doors open at QERC when we let her loose.
She pulls herself up: Our days of Adele sitting still and playing by herself are over. If she's not going straight to the crawling position, she's pulling herself up into the standing position. We have to watch closely so she doesn't fall over and knock her head on the tile.
She can clap: Somehow along the way, her frantic waving resulted in her hands making contact and now she can (on occasion) clap.
Here are some pictures from the last month:
1 comment:
Love it! She is such a doll!! Happy 8 months of being a mommy! Love you and miss you!
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