Monday, August 02, 2010


Sarah: For about 7 weeks this summer, QERC is hosting a group from Point Loma Nazarene University (CA). Dr. Mike Mooring and his family, and 4 research students, have been here in San Gerardo de Dota searching for mammals (primarily with an interest in large mammals). The research team is down to their final week at QERC and it has been fun to have them around this whole time.

Using a variety of techniques, the team has caught several coyotes and many raccoons on camera, and an ocelot on video. They have also hiked the trails extensively almost every day and have seen various signs of puma! By taking advantage of the local knowledge here, the group has also interviewed prominent community members to get an idea of what mammals have been seen historically.

As this is a pilot study, Mike will evaluate what type of work can be done in the future, and hopefully continue returning with a research team each summer to further the studies done on mammals.

Some pictures of their time here:

Caleb and Jared, hiking in the rain

Dr. Mooring, Caleb, and Bobby setting up a camera trap

Will, in front of the grand oak tree

Some of the group on a community horse ride day

David and Adele and me at a community Bingo

1 comment:

~ Marty Alan Michelson, Ph.D. said...

Glad to see my sweet baby girl is doing well!